Sweaty is the new sexy!
Are you feeling sad, frumpy and fat?
I was too just 30 mins ago! But then I got motivated, threw on my running shoes and headed out the door. I decided that I would run around my neighborhood for 20 mins.
And guess what... I no longer feel sad, frumpy and fat... I feel sexy.
So sexy and confident that I decided to share my sweaty pic with you guys... =-p
Sweaty is the new sexy! |
While jogging I selected the 90's playlist on iTunes and kept it pumping. Some days I enjoy running with music and some days I don't. Today I opted for music because I needed an extra push. Sure 20 mins may not seem too impressive to the elite runner...
but guess what 20 mins beats 0 mins! And that my friends is progress!Sooo, although I barely made through the last 2 mins of my jog tonight I feel accomplished and great knowing that I got active...because my six pack looks like a keg =\ lol
While the tattoos below are quite impressive... those bellys look like these men are pregnant with twins. And that my friend cannot be healthy...
via google |
via google |
A few years ago in college, I did a study on the relationship between physical exercise and mood. My findings supported my theory that physical exercise will improve ones mood.
Harvard also has some literature online supporting this theory as well.
Check out the the full article here.
While I am sure this is no secret to anybody...sometimes we tend to forget the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We get lazy, caught into routines and too afraid to break them...often times claiming that we are too busy or tired to workout.
So whether it be walking, jogging, biking, swimming, aerobics, pilates etc...keeping going, break a sweat and feel sexy!
Here is a little tune to keep you motivated...